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Indigenous Peoples

Programs for Indigenous Peoples

Personal branding / Employment skills upgrades / New skills development

According to the Government of Canada, Indigenous Peoples have higher unemployment levels than non-Indigenous Canadians. What’s more, the Indigenous Peoples who are employed tend to make less money for the same job. That’s what the Indigenous Skills and Employment Training Program is trying to fix. For the first five years, the government plans to invest $2 billion in job training and skills development, all in the hope that free, easy-access education can close the pay gap and boost employment. After the first five years, the program promises $408.2 million in government funding per year for the same programs.

This new program is designed to replace the government’s Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Strategy. If it succeeds, it promises to help 15,000 more people across Canada. Plus, instead of focusing on finding a job quickly, the program plans to help people find higher-quality, better-paying jobs.

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Employability Workshop

Apr 9, 2020 - Apr 9, 2020

Computer Skills / Coding

Apr 19, 2020 - Apr 19, 2020
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Powerpoint Flash Course

Jun 3, 2020 - Jun 3, 2020